I read this really good quote about the loss of a soul mate, whether for now or for ever. I read this really good quote—"we must somehow come to understand that our separation is just as significant as our coming together.” (Satya Colombo)
And this reminds me of this importance of bringing ourselves back to ourselves. Of grounding in to our selves. Of trusting our selves. This is often hard to do. Especially when we have others in our life who fill that need to feel grounded. Or safe. To feel loved. Now don’t get me wrong. These connections with others, they are this beautiful thing. We are community beings and these deep dives with those of our tribe… well you know. But sometimes (often) they become a need not a gift. We seek them out for outside input. And we forget that our soul mates are our mirrors. We think they are our maker. Our other half. The one that completes us. The place we find love. And often it feels like a sacred contract. This soul connection, it feels like an agreement was made and this contract, it is binding. And here’s the thing. It is. This sacred contract, it is binding, but not to who we think it is. We think it is a soul contract with another when this contract, it is really a sacred contract with ourselves. This is the life dance with the Creator. With the Universe. With the oneness of us with each other. With the oneness of us with ourselves. And so our soul friends. Maybe we do get to dance this dance throughout this lifetime of humanness. Because it is healthy and wise and full of grace and love. Or maybe we now must separate, because the connection enables that other bucket of need and validation. Of good enough and not enough. And maybe we now must separate. And then we are reminded. Because the pain is deep. The loss is great. The void is big. Like really big. Like huge. And so the only choice is to turn internal. To take the separation and the loss of that love that this other soul gave us and find it in the only place that it truly exists really anyway. Inside us. This is the great lesson. The cosmic teaching. The home we seek and the space we can really only ever truly ground into.
Bob Tutnauer
6/17/2024 02:52:33 pm
So now that we accept the separation-the loss- Tell me how to deal with it
Leny Cohen
6/17/2024 07:01:00 pm
Lizzie, your writing was so powerful for me today. I haven’t stopped thinking about what you said. I think what resonates for me is how you bring in the spiritual component that brings such a meaningful framework for dealing with any loss. Many, many thanks.🩷 Comments are closed.
Elizabeth RoseMother, Wife, Friend, Sister, Daughter, Dancer, Rower, Runner, Dog and Cat lover. Archives
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