Or maybe they were and just never posted those pictures on Facebook. Oh, and it's Cave people because we want to be all inclusive here.
Here is in Massachusetts. At my dear sister's home. We started this thing that we do when we are together, we write my morning blog and so, in keeping with the fact that we have done this the last two times - here and here - when we were together, we are doing it again. Except that we are actually not, because I am sitting here at her kitchen table and she is on a work call. She is a coach. A mighty fine one, too. And works with people all over the country. You should check her out here. So, she is on this call upstairs and I am here, at her kitchen table writing this piece that we came up with a week ago when we were on the phone - because I was not in Massachusetts at that time but instead home in California with my beautiful and perfect Doberman and my equally Navalicious husband. Anyway, we were on the phone and we were talking about the effort it takes to stay fit and lean and healthy in this current day climate we live in and that it has a lot to do with the fact that we are so sedentary unlike .... wait for it ..... the caveman (person!) They were never fat. Because they were moving all the time, forging for food or fighting for their lives in the rough and tumble environment that they lived in. Life was movement and there was a constant flow of it. They did not have time to get fat and out of shape. And so we thought we'd write about this when we were together. So here we are. Kind of. Now, speaking of fat and out of shape, this lovely feline photograph that is gracing the top of this writing today, this is my cat nephew (canephewt) Albus. He is definitely having trouble maintaining the sleek stature that his cousins the tigers are able to exhibit. Because ...drumroll... the tiger - like the cave person - is moving. Constantly. Out in the wild forging for food and causing other - smaller and more prey like animals - to fight for their lives in the rough and tumble environment that they live in. While Albus here... Well, he does not forge for food. He gets it daily in a small yet sufficient bowl. Now my sister, this one that I am writing with though not really because she is still on her call upstairs, she has mindfully and lovingly put this rotund kitty on a diet. Which does not make him, or anyone else in the family, particularly happy. But I think it is working. He looks sleeker to me. And I also want to make note that this is not my sister overfeeding him as he has a svelte and sweet sister. This is genetics or general kitty malaise. But a tiger he is not.
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Elizabeth RoseMother, Wife, Friend, Sister, Daughter, Dancer, Rower, Runner, Dog and Cat lover. Archives
December 2024
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