I have truly mastered the art of doing nothing all day. Well not really nothing. I actually get up very early. Often by 5:45, sometimes a bit after 6, and I take my perfect and brilliant Doberman dog for a walk through the orange grove and then to the dog park to throw the ball for her just like she likes it.
This is certainly not nothing. And I write this blog. Weekly. And this is not a nothing thing either. Not at all. And I sew a lot. Remaking clothing that I have or redesigning a pair of shoes or dying something a new color. So there is that. And I play Words With Friends. Incessantly. God, I love this game. And I had been dancing in a more structured way. Weekly ballet and tap classes that fill my soul as only those repetitious movements can. And I walk my dog again. And we play more ball. And very often we nap together. Which I love. And I know she loves, too. And my day feels full with the simpleness of it. So it is not a nothingness that I do. It is a simpleness. I like this word. But lately, lately I have actually been very busy with things that come not from inside me, like my writing and my sewing and my napping with my dog. I am now doing outside things also. Things that involve others and keep me more involved. I am now on the board of an amazing theater - The Echo Theater - which you really must check out. Like seriously. Best theater around. And I am volunteering for an incredible organization here in Ojai called The Nan Tolbert Nurturing Center. I am what is called a Parent Care Volunteer which means I go, twice a week, into a new baby's family's home and help with whatever they need. Playing with an (awesome and so much fun who I just love) older sibling, doing the dishes, folding laundry, taking a walk and supporting a family, and holding and helping care for this sweet and new baby. It's the best thing!! And I have this TV show that I wrote with a writing partner, that I am talking with someone about and we are seeing if we can move it forward from just - what I think is - great characters and stories on a page, to a series on TV. So this is very cool. And I joined the gym. The Ojai Valley Athletic Club. Specifically to swim in the really great pool that they have. I used to swim. A lot. But, as many of you know about me, I get bored with things quickly, my mind needs something new and so, though I stopped swimming to move onto a new way to work out, I have circled back around to this again. It is a good activity for me. My poor and not quite the littlest toe that I broke almost six weeks ago now still won't let me dance and spin so swimming will be a good thing. My days are full. Lots to do. And so this morning, getting out of my car after the walk in the grove followed by the trip to the park, I noticed that I needed to take a moment and notice more. I could feel it as I stood in the now somewhat warm morning sunlight. I could sense that I needed that extra few minutes of not just doing the things I do, whether the simpleness nothingness things or the more structured and outside of myself things. I needed just a moment to stand purely in the taking in of it all. And so I walked over to the edge of our driveway, full and sweet with these lovely blue and white flowers that I love so much. And I let my eye gaze out on the mountains that hold this valley in gently. And I smelled the coolness of the air and heard the silence of the morning. And I stood for just a moment more before snapping a photograph to capture this moment so I could share it with you. And then I went inside to write this writing.
Elizabeth RoseMother, Wife, Friend, Sister, Daughter, Dancer, Rower, Runner, Dog and Cat lover. Archives
December 2024
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